Category: Uncategorized

National Child Measurement Programme

Every year school children take part in a national weigh-in programme, where their results (including weight, height and BMI) are entered anonymously into a database. The children who are overweight or obese bring a letter to their parents outlining the risks of obesity. This year the wording in those letters has changed. This is because

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Gut Bacteria Implicated in Obesity

A little while ago, we wrote about a study considering the role that gut bacteria potentially play in the development of obesity. So we were not surprised when two more studies were published in Nature last week. Here we consider the implications of the new findings. The studies, which were both published in Nature, covered

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Contrave – A New Diet Pill

If you are obese then the chances are that you have considered taking some form of weight loss medication to help get you down to a reasonable weight. Many people get frustrated with lack of progress while following a reasonably strict regime of controlled diet and exercise and start looking for a fast track option.

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Childhood Obesity and Precocious Puberty

In 1997 there was a controversial study that found that children, mostly girls, were entering puberty earlier than past generations. At the time, it was a topic that was intensely debated. This was especially the case when child-sized sanitary pads began to be marketed and when new research found risk factors relating to precocious puberty.

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A treatment which is commonly used for diabetes has received a lot of attention from mainstream media, regulators and the research community. Together, the reports point to the treatment being approved for obesity treatments. Here we consider the opinions from FDA regulators to these reports, along with the implication it has for the future of

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